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Monday, June 30, 2008

Someone Else's

Finally, He looked Her in the eyes and told Her the only Truth he knew - that He wanted Her to be Someone Else.

And in the end, the only consolation he had, as he walked on Alone, was the Thought that if we all kept each other for the wrong reasons, we'd All be surrounded by a Sea of Someone Elses and maybe, just maybe, Her Someone was still out there, Alone, looking for Her.

How I Know

"Mostly, it's the little 'mmmm' sounds She makes when I kiss her cheek or stroke the palm of Her hand as we sleep... that's How I know She adores me," He thought.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Sent to Me Today

His mind is free from all thoughts.
His demeanor is still and silent.
His forehead beams with simplicity.
He is cold as autumn,
and warm as spring,
for his joy and anger
occur as naturally
as the four seasons.

- Chuang Tzu